7 Overseas Dr, Noble Park North VIC 3174
1300 655 118

Category: Sub Floor Ventilation

Get in Touch: 1300 655 118


Ventilate Right: A Guide to Subfloor Issues in Australia

A healthy home is more than just a shelter; it’s a sanctuary where occupants can thrive. Yet, often overlooked, subfloor ventilation plays a pivotal role in maintaining this sanctuary. Adequate ventilation not only safeguards the structural integrity of a house but also promotes the well-being of its inhabitants. In this article, we delve into the…
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Subfloor with mould Camberwell

4 Dirty Little Secrets About the Sub Floor Ventilation Industry

Sub floor ventilation isn’t something you typically think about when building a home. Chances are that you’re only reading this because you’ve been told you have a sub floor/under floor issue, such as: Musty or smelly floorboards Timber rot (wet or dry) Mould or mildew growth Rising damp in your home … And that’s alright!…
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